



Karen! I had a rumor that you've been causing problems on your homeroom teacher. That's not good.
(カレン! 風の噂で担任の先生にご迷惑をかけてると聞いたわ。イケナイ子ね!)

As a penalty, I will eat a piece of super yummy cake in front of you.

Please! Have mercy on me!
(そんな! おめぐみを…!)

No way.


Let's jump higher! 毎日わらぁってたいデース♪


Oh, there you are! I've been looking for you. I came all the way here as I am so shocked.
(ああアリス、シノ! 話を聞いて。私ショックのあまり気が動転してしまって、ここまで来てしまったの)

But don't worry. I already called mum. Please listen to me!

It's my dad. He was lying to me! I really wanted to know the truth even though he said it was for my sake.
(パパが、私のパパが嘘ついてたの! 私のためだなんて言ってたけど、本当のことちゃんと言って欲しかった!)

But he made me feel like an idiot for being pleased with his words. I dislike... hate my dad! I'm not going to go my home!
(ひどい! 喜んでた私、バカみたい! パパなんて大嫌い! 大嫌い! もうお家帰らない!)

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Dad? I am sorry for getting angry. But I calm down now.
(…パパ? さっきはごめんね。もう怒ってないよ)

Oh, really? Aha! Thank you so much! I love you, dad!!
(…えっ? 本当? パパ大好き、愛してる!!)

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その1

Hi, Alice! Let's go out to play.
(お邪魔しま~す! アリス! 一緒に遊ぼう……?)

Alice, are you studying Japanese again? We don't have lesson with my dad today.
(アリスまた日本語の勉強してるの? 今日はパパの授業ないのに~)

Preparation and review are important, though.

Huuum, I don't know.

Come on. Let's go out!

Not now. I'm a little...

Oh! It's boring. I am bored. Let's play. I've got nothing to do.
(え~~っ! つまんないつまんない~。遊ぼうよ――ヒマだよ――!)

Sorry, later.

Guess what? My dad has a fun Japanese game! I will get it!
(あ、そうだ! パパが面白い日本のゲーム持ってるの! 持ってきてあげる!)

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その2

Huh? Karen? She stormed out while ago. She hasn't been here since then.
(え? カレン? さっき飛び出して行ったきり、来ていないけど?)

Wait! Where are you off to?

Just around.

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その3
『ハロー!!きんいろモザイク』第7話より 『ハロー!!きんいろモザイク』第7話より

That's... Karen's shoe!

Kareeen! Can you hear me? Kareeen!
(いたら返事して! カレ~~ン!)

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その4


Did I just hear something?

How come I'm sleeping here? Let's see...
(私、何でこんなところで寝てるんだろう? えっと…)

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その5
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カレンとアリスの回想シーン その6
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Oh, yeah. I slipped and fell and...

I was so careless. Oh, dear.


Did I sprain my ankle!? I'm stuck.
(捻挫!? ヤ…ヤバ!)

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その7



Alice never listens to me.

She's always looking at the Kokeshi doll.

She doesn't care about me.

Kareeen! Can you hear me!?
(カレ~~ン! 聞こえる!?)

Kareeen! Kareeen!


Hey, Kareeen! Where are you!? Kareeen!
(カレ~~ン! どこなの!?)

Alice is almost gone.

Alice! I'm here!
(アリス~! 私はここだよ~!)


What should I do? What should I do?

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その8
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Tsu and Kaa. That's Japanese all-purpose password.

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その9
ハロー!!きんいろモザイク_07_14 (Custom).jpg

Tsuuu! Tsuuu!


Karen! Are you okay!?
(カレン! 大丈夫!?)

Alice... Tsu! Tsu! Tsu! Tsu! Tsu! Tsu!...

What's Tsu?

カレンとアリスの回想シーン その10

I almost died.

Don't exaggerate.

Alice, thank you for searching for me.

Why not?

That's what friends are for.


I want to do the hero, too!

Okay then. This time I will be the monster.

Karen Boomerang!!


The monster is coming!!

We are sorry!!

ハロー!!きんいろモザイク Vol.4 [Blu-ray]
ハロー!!きんいろモザイク Vol.4 [Blu-ray]
【Amazon.co.jp限定】ハロー! ! きんいろモザイク Vol.4 (オリジナルスタンディPOP付) [Blu-ray]
ハロー!!きんいろモザイク Vol.4 [DVD]

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